After much researching, and after months with this laptop, I can say the Acer ES1-111M-P2YU is one of the best pieces of hardware i've bought. I got it for $200 in amazon - you will need to put it in the cart and wait as it varies widely on price, or check other places.
pentium quad core
expandable ram to 8gb
actual HDD slot (upgraded to a SSD)
great driver support in linux/unix
Windows with Bing 8.1 upgrades to Win 10 home (which i didn't do but nice upgrade)
Both wireless and wired network
#2 key acts weird
only one dimm slot
not so easy to find now
I haven't yet installed Linux on it (right now playing with OpenBSD) but I found this post which has a lot of information from a user on a similar model (the 2 core instead of 4 core)